Thambikkottai tamil full movie online

Thambikkottai tamil full movie online

How strong is the word good? Well, it is fairly strong in the case of Thabikottai, written and directed by R. Ammu Ramesh. With an action packed romantic plot line, laced with comedy, the movie is sure to soar up.

Azhagiri (Narein) and his akka (Meena Duraisamy) are two inseparable (a little too much inseparable) siblings who live only for each other. He is a student and she is a lecturer. Sandanam and co forms his more than one sidekicks and M.S Baskar is their professor who invariable falls quarry to Sandanam’s unwitting jokes and intentional pranks.

An NSS field trip to Thambikottai, where lies a sabotaged bridge with a mysterious history, turns Azhagiri’s life around. He obviously falls in love with Poonam there and too obviously it turns out to be the villain’s daughter. Subsequently the hero embroils in associated problems that
jeopardizes his love and tests his integrity.

As have most Tamil movies, in this movie also the hero is inexplicably powerful and the villain is incorrigibly sinful.

While Anjathe fame Narein is attempting an image makeover as a macho, Meena is busy with her overt display of histrionics and Poonam Bajwa with her innocence in the film and raciness in the songs. Sandanam and Ganja Karuppu make sure that they steal their proportion of applause
through their signature attitudes and typical rendition of parlances. Bows to Sangeetha for successfully donning a woman don; kicking up the dust for a fresh level of debates on feminism in films. Prabhu gives an assumption that he is still very young. Rajendran needs no mentioning
at all. He is at the peek of artistic manifestation

At the end how he resolves all problems and switch the turmoil to a happily ever after mode drops the curtain.

Interestingly the movie has got some scenes that make you think, ‘haven’t I seen this before?’ The snippet of introduction Meena gives about his brother when she is waylaid and abused by a gang of rowdies can also be seen in M.Kumaran S/o Mahalakshmi, if not word to word,
then verbatim. Likewise Narien’s attempt to rescue his love from the parental control of Pandi Muniamma (Sangeetha) from her house evokes the scene from Hero where Alu Arjun Manoeuvers his way through the enemy house with the power turned off.

D.Immam is on a roll. Myna was not so bad for him and certainly will this film raises his graph as a music director. Kannan, the cinematographer has taken diligent care to capture the aesthetic elements of the location.

The movie gives a lot of stuff to laugh through Sandanam in the first half and invites you to another world of love, tryst, drama and action delivered through Sangeetha, Rajendran and Meena.